Why Stay Away from the Book of Enoch

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Roman Moris is a skilled writer with expertise in Dreams and Spirtuality. As a member of the Maxa Wise team.

The Book of Enoch is a fascinating yet controversial text that has sparked much debate. While some consider it a source of biblical knowledge, many scholars and theologians warn against its acceptance. The Book of Enoch is not part of the biblical canon, and its teachings often contradict biblical teachings.

Although the Book of Enoch offers an intriguing narrative, it’s essential to question its authenticity. False teachings, unreliable prophecies, and occult practices within the text should give anyone pause. In this article, we’ll explore why it’s prudent to stay away from the Book of Enoch.

The Book of Enoch is Not Canonical Scripture

The Book of Enoch is not accepted as canonical scripture by the majority of Christian denominations. Although it is mentioned in some early religious writings, it was ultimately excluded from the biblical canon. This exclusion raises questions about its reliability and divine inspiration.

Many early Christians rejected the Book of Enoch because it failed to align with biblical teachings. Angelic teachings in the book also caused concern, as they conflicted with the traditional understanding of angels in the Bible. Its exclusion from the Bible should serve as a red flag for anyone seeking to rely on it for spiritual guidance.

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Authorial Uncertainty Surrounds the Book of Enoch

One of the main concerns about the Book of Enoch is the authorial uncertainty surrounding it. The text claims to be written by Enoch himself, the great-grandfather of Noah, but there is no evidence to support this claim. Scholars have debated the origins of the book, and its dubious authorship attribution casts doubt on its credibility.

This uncertainty makes it difficult to accept the Book of Enoch as a reliable source of spiritual truth. Without knowing who actually wrote the text, readers are left questioning whether it was divinely inspired or the product of human imagination. Enoch’s writings could have been influenced by personal biases or cultural beliefs.

The Book of Enoch Contains False Teachings

Contradicts Biblical Teaching on Angels

One significant issue with the Book of Enoch is its portrayal of angels. The text introduces a group of angels called the Watchers, who are said to descend to earth and teach humanity various forms of forbidden knowledge. This contradicts biblical teachings about angels, who are messengers of God, not beings who impart secret knowledge to humans.

In the Bible, angels are divinely inspired servants who carry out God’s will. It paints a different picture, leading to confusion and false teachings about the role of angels. This deviation from traditional beliefs about angels makes it unreliable.

Promotes Astrology and Occult Practices

The Book of Enoch also promotes practices that are considered occult, including astrology. The text describes the movements of the stars and planets, suggesting that they have divine influence over human destiny. This aligns more with pagan beliefs than with the biblical canon, where astrology is condemned.

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Occult practices such as divination, astrology, and the worship of celestial bodies are explicitly prohibited in the Bible. By promoting these practices, it leads people away from the true teachings of Scripture. The Bible clearly warns against seeking guidance from anything other than God’s Word.

The Book of Enoch Makes False Claims About Itself

Dubious Authorship Attribution

The Book of Enoch claims to be written by Enoch, a righteous man who walked with God. However, there is no historical or archaeological evidence to support the claim that Enoch himself wrote the text. This dubious authorship attribution raises serious concerns about the authenticity of the book.

In the biblical canon, authorship plays a crucial role in determining a test’s reliability. Books included in the Bible are attributed to recognized prophets or apostles. It lacks this foundational authenticity, further casting doubt on its spiritual significance.

Unreliable Prophecies

Another troubling aspect of it is its unreliable prophecies. The book contains visions and predictions about the future, but many of these prophecies never came to pass. The Bible warns against false prophets and unreliable predictions, and the Book of Enoch falls into this category.

In the biblical canon, prophecies are tested against the truth of God’s Word. If a prophecy fails to come true, it’s not considered divinely inspired. It contains many such prophecies, making it an unreliable source for future guidance.

Reliance on the Book of Enoch Can Lead People Astray

Granting Unwarranted Authority

Relying on it for spiritual guidance can give the text an unwarranted authority. While the book may contain elements that sound intriguing, it is not part of the biblical canon and therefore should not be treated as a source of truth. The Bible itself warns against adding to or subtracting from the Scriptures, and it is not exempt from this warning.

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By elevating the Book of Enoch to a position of authority, people risk distorting their understanding of God’s Word. It’s essential to keep the biblical canon as the final authority on spiritual matters and avoid unbiblical sources.

Promoting Unbiblical Practices

It promotes teachings that are inconsistent with biblical principles. These teachings can lead people to adopt unbiblical practices, such as divination or the worship of angels. Such practices are dangerous and can lead people away from a true relationship with God.

The Bible is clear about the importance of following biblical teachings and adhering to God’s Word alone. By turning to it for guidance, people risk embracing practices that contradict the teachings of Scripture.


In conclusion, the Book of Enoch is not a text that should be relied upon for spiritual guidance. Its authorial uncertainty, unreliable prophecies, and false teachings make it a dangerous source for those seeking truth. Angelic teachings, occult practices, and dubious authorship attribution further undermine the book’s credibility.

Rather than turning to non-canonical books like the Book of Enoch, we should focus on the biblical canon. The Bible remains the ultimate source of truth, and it is through biblical teachings that we can find true guidance in our spiritual journeys.

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